2. Overseas Domestic Helper

2024-05-16 16:00

We screen and select applicants (Indonesian and Filipinos Domestic Helper) base on maturity, experience, and reliability. They must be able to communicate effectively and express an enthusiasm for providing domestic services and child care, while making a positive contribution to the family environment.


Characteristics of Indonesian Domestic Helper

Indonesian domestic helpers are best known for being hard working, submissive, innocent and honest. In general, most Indonesian domestic helpers can pick up Cantonese relatively quickly within a very short period.Most helpers are junior or high school graduates width pleasant personality and easy going characters. Therefore, a growing no. of employers in Hong Kong are increasingly aware of their qualities and beginning to hire an Overseas Indonesian FDH.


Overseas Indonesian Domestic Helper

Overseas Indonesian FDH, Service fee is HK$10,500 up (not including the Agency charges in Indonesia). Enjoy Service fee HK$9,500 up.


The standard service Package shall include

  1. Recruitment, Interview, Screening and Presentation fee
  2. ID 407 Consulate Notarization fee
  3. FDH HK Employment Visa fee
  4. Time Costs of a standard preparation of documents fee
  5. Food Costs (max. 3 days)
  6. ImmD Control Point Pick fee
  7. Accompany to HKIC Application
  8. Travel to KL's Hong Kong offices for Client's pick up
  9. 30% Discount on Replacement (Subject to Terms and Conditions)


Characteristics of Filipino Domestic Helper

Most of the Filipino Domestic Helper posses secondary to tertiary education background, many of them are well educated, quick learner, good English and skillful for infant child care. They can be a good domestic helper as well as an English tutor for your children. Also, many of them are opened minded to learn new things due to their good education background and particularly good at doing delicate works.


Overseas Filipino Domestic Helper

Overseas Filipino FDH, Service fee is HK$10,500 up (not including the Compulsory Insurance Coverage and Agency charges in Philippines). Enjoy Service fee HK$9,500 up.


The standard service Package shall include

  1. Recruitment, Interview, Screening and Presentation fee
  2. ID 407 Consulate Notarization fee
  3. FDH HK Employment Visa fee
  4. Time Costs of a standard preparation of documents fee
  5. Food Costs (max. 3 days)
  6. ImmD Control Point Pick fee
  7. Accompany to HKIC Application
  8. Travel to KL's Hong Kong offices for Client's pick up
  9. 30% Discount on Replacement (Subject to Terms and Conditions)


Discount & Surcharge

Discount and Additional fee will be charged at below situations

  1. A HKD500 discount on our standard price will be offered to prospective employers who may submit their "qualified" Income Proof and Address Proof as well as having correctly filled up this "Appendix 1" upon your visit to our offices. Information on qualified proof and how to fill up Appendix 1 can be found from the video at our web site's "Application Notes" (Chinese Version only).
  2. If due to any personal reasons, the employer is on the "Watch List" or "Blacklist" of the respective Consulate or at the Hong Kong Immigration Department which demands our staff assistance, the employer will be charged an additional fee of HK$1,500/visit.



  1. Your application information and documents completed or not, will directly affect your application progress. Therefore, before the employment, please prepare the necessary information and documents to shorten the application time.
  2. For further information regarding application documents and information required, please refer to Application Notes (Chinese Version only)
  3. If you would like to know more about our FDH availability, please browse at Search Helpers
  4. Please refer Notice to Client before you start to use our service, including Service Agreement, Appendix1 and Appendix2.



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