7D. Places of Workship, Worker Association

2024-05-16 16:00

Places of Workship

On Sundays, Filipino Domestic helpers normally visit the Roman Catholic Cathedral, Saint Joseph Church, along Garden Road across the Botanical and Zoological Garden. Another place of worship is the Catholic Center near the Worldwide House in Central. Then, they gather at Statue Square to spend their off-duty day with their friends.

There are other Catholic and Protestant churches all over the territory. Ada banyak gereja dan mesjid dapat anda temukan di Hong Kong. Anda dapat menanyakannya pada majikan atau teman. Dapat juga melihat buku petunjuk telepon.


Worker's Association

Every employee is entitled to rights of association; i.e., to become a member of a trade union, take part in its activities, and form or apply for registration of a trade union. No employer should prevent or deter an employee from exercising this right. Employers are not allowed to discriminate against a domestic helper who joins a trade union.


Useful Telephone Numbers

If maltreated or abused, or during an emergency, call the officer on duty at the police station or the doctor on duty at the hospital, dial 999.

If your contract has expired, or if you have inquiries regarding employment regulations, please contact Visa Extension (Workers Section) Immigration Department Immigration Tower Wanchai, no.8 Glowester Rd, Hong Kong Tel No. 28246111


Other useful telephone numbers include the following

  1. Police@ crime hot line (including taxi complaints) - Tel No. 25277177
  2. Free Ambulance Service - Tel No. 26766555 (Hong Kong Island) / 27135555 (Kowloon/New Territories)
  3. Queen Mary Hospital - Tel No. 28554111
  4. Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Tel No. 27102111
  5. Prince of Wales Hospital - Tel No. 26322211
  6. Post Office - Tel No. 29212222
  7. Hong Kong Tourist Association - Tel No. 25081234



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