6B. Problem In The Employer-Employee Relationship

2024-05-16 16:00

A contract may be terminated by any party anytime, provided the one who wishes to terminate the contract gives the other party a month's notice. However, employers are allowed to terminate the contract without notice, in case a domestic helper commits fraud, acts with dishonesty, habitually neglects her duties, or disobeys lawful orders. The domestic helper may also terminate her contract anytime if threatened with violence or disease. Breach of contract allows the aggrieved party to be compensated with the amount equivalent to the notification period.

Common reasons for termination include

  1. Inability to communicate in English. Resort to learning your employer’s language to compensate for your poor English;
  2. Poor performance. Laziness, poor working experience, no cooking experience, and unwillingness to learn;
  3. Forgetfulness. Forgetfulness is an indication of inattentiveness, a non-caring attitude, or inability to concentrate on work;
  4. Dishonesty and theft;
  5. Disobedience;
  6. Lack of proper personal hygiene;
  7. Lack of common sense;
  8. Homesickness;
  9. Impoliteness; and
  10. Lack of fitness for work (i.e., physically unhealthy).



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